So you think you could be a stuntman? Well, test your skills against
these hazards and see if you're still game. There are only three different
scams in this movie, so you shouldn't find the going too tough!
There's no denying that the money's good, but the question you should
be asking yourself is will you live to spend it?
If you can ride a motorcycle - and wetbike - two of the frames should
be child's play, but for the snow scenes, you'll need to be of Olympic
class. Well, as I said, the work isn't easy, but the lifestyle's great
(if you have a lot of style, you may get to have a life as well) and
the rewards are out of this world...
Please note:
ESCAPE = QUIT (only from menu screen)
* FULL SOUND ("interrupt driven music" while loading)
* 100% Machine Code
* High score table
* Original gaming concept
* On screen scoring
* 30 Multi-colour sprites
* 3 Scenarios (land, sea, snow)
* 6 skill levels (novice-Ace)
* Fast smooth mode 2 graphics
* 6 intermediate stages giving 36 skill levels
* Automatically gets harder as you get better.
Inside the game application directory is a configuration file named !Config. Loading this into a text editor will allow you to change the game options.
Initially, the options are set to:
Changing the value after the equals sign (=) will allow you to change the number of lives you start with.
This game will run on all RISC OS computers from ARM250, RISC OS 3.xx to StrongARM, RISC OS 4.xx.
The selections on the menu screen can only be chosen by pressing an upper case letter (as per the original game).
BBC version by Simon Pick and distributed by Visions (Software Factory) Ltd, 1 Felgate Mews, Studland St. W6 9JT.
RISC OS conversion by Michael Foot.
RISC OS screen address calculations by Thomas Harte.
Version 1.03 (09 Feb 2003)
- Made 26/32 bit compatible.
Version 1.02 (23 Feb 2002)
- Added !Config file to allow setting of initial lives.
Version 1.01 (31 Mar 2001)
- Fixed the text colour on the menu screen which was not correct when cycling through the letters A - F. This was caused by OSBYTE &81 being different on RISC OS than it was on the BBC.
- Fixed some of the in game sounds. The motorbike engine now increases in pitch as it gets faster. The sound made when a piece of gold is picked up is now correct.
Version 1.00 (25 Mar 2001)
- Initial version.
The latest version can be obtained from my home page at <>.